THE COSMIC HELIACAL ORALOI This Sacred Ellanian Text is in honour of the greatest, largest and most supreme code arithmos 13 THIRTEEN since all sacred Ellanian code arithmoi exist within 13. 13 THIRTEEN represents the 13th OMEGA Himself who together with the ALPHAS, created the divine and Nomoteleian Ellanian Creation which everything is integrated into, including the Ellene human being. Absolutely everything around us and within us – tangible and intangible – is in accordance with the sacred code 13 THIRTEEN. Every IOTA creation’s structure, construction, synthesis and connection is in accordance with the structure of the sacred code 13 THIRTEEN. A cosmos is a dodecahedron formation and the 12 peaks of the pentagonal pyramids unite at the 13th central point. A galactic cluster contains 12 galaxies and 1 ruling galaxy, 13 in total. Our solar system contains 12 planets and 1 fixed sun, 13 in total. There are 12 months of 27 days and 1 ruling month, the 13th consistin